While the set of components is in deeply crude kind, but to whom especially not it is suffered can download one of more or less working versions for Delphi 7

here (600 KB)

In archive there are following classes:


Expanded variant TADOConnection, allows to use file dsn or udl laying directly in a folder of an executed file or the project, at what as in a mode of the started appendix and in a mode of development


Expanded TADOTable, allows to calculate the automatic device an autoincrement of a key field, in view of a line of the filter to count and bring values to default so that the new added line would get in a filtered set, to be depended a data set in relation to any quantity of the main things, at what not only to data sets but also values many visual components, has the mechanism of a visual filtration.


Pulls out from an executed file the full information on the version, considers the control sum of a file.


TDBLookupComboBox supplied by the signature


A component in development (allows to receive or establish network adjustments to operate registration records, etc.)


компонет shows time for the form


A component in development (the Data set for work with text files as from a DB at what without any additional libraries)

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